Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Extreme fatigue

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Take it easy, listen to your body.  Teresa you've been through a HUGE upheaval. 

I was very tired 12 months ago due to low VitD levels.  I would garden for 20 mins. then have to sit for 2 hours, absolutely still.  Scarey!

My Mum had a mastectomy at aged 65 but it was a different type of cancer to the one I had years later.

Denise R:
Thank you Hurdity for your very helpful comments and advice.  I will try the Floridix and see if that helps.

Hello Denise R,

I have been suffering from extreme fatigue since perimenopause began, but now that I'm one year post-menopause (theoretically speaking this is still perimenopause) it's not as bad.

I think the disturbed sleep (caused by hot flushes and anxiety) is the main culprit. As long as you can control those to some extent you will be feeling a bit better. Another important factor is muscle fatigue. We tend to keep doing the same things as we used to do before menopause and we just don't have the same muscle flexibility and strength so we have to take it easy on house chores and high impact exercices, at least until you can adhere to a physical workout routine (which many of us don't). Meanwhile, hang in there and keep smiling, it truly helps.

Conolly X

I've been recommended by my doctor to take a coenzyme Q10 supplement or B vitamins.
To be honest, they didn't do much for the loss of energy I suffered with last autumn/winter and I was so miserable too. In January, I started taking fluoxetine. It's really helped me. I know antidepressants aren't for everyone but life is for living, not sitting around feeling like shit for months on end! I also started testosterone 2 months ago which also now seems to be helping with my energy.
The extra energy means I can do more exercise which is beneficial for mind and body  :)

Don't try the b12 patches Wilks they must be too strong or something I've had a terrible tummy pain all night and trots.ill stick to the oral spray now I'd no trouble with that.x


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