Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Extreme fatigue

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Denise R:

I work in admin part time and look after my 2 grandchildren 1-2 days a week but at times I feel 90 instead of 60.  My mum who is 86 has more energy than me (when I don't have the fatigue).   My gp is very good and I don't want to change.  I am on Vagifem pessaries for atrophy but not full HRT and they help with other problems. 

They will help with localised dryness and itching in the outer labia but are unlikely to ease any other symptoms.  I find ovestin really really stops that 'razor blade up there'  :D feeling  ::)

Do you feel that your GP is supportive?  Mine has been good over the years. 

If you are running after Grandchildren no wonder you suddenly flop!  How is your diet on the days that you care for them? 

Denise R:
I really can't blame it on minding the children because it comes on me so randomly.  There really is no pattern to it at all.  My gp is supportive and she is very understanding.  My diet some days isn't  very good so I know I need to take a good look at that. 

I remember that sudden need to sleep so well.  It was at some point of my cycle but can't remember where .........

Sorry to hear about your fatigue Denise R and that you can't take HRT due to breast cancer in the family (CLKD "HRT does what it says on the tin.Why suffer if there is treatment available"  she said this earlier about the BC - hence her posts).

I presume your familial breast cancer is in close relatives who had the disease quite young? There are also different types of breast cancer so if it wasn't oestrogen receptive I think HRT may be possible? You might also be able to have genetic testing if very close relatives have had it - there are guidelines on this so that you can discuss your relative risk of getting the disease as well.

If blood tests do not show anything amiss re fatigue then it could well be hormonal, but unfortunately the prescription treatments for menopausal symptoms are mainly for treating flushes and sweats rather than fatigue - ie some types of anti-depressants.

The only things I can suggest apart from HRT is eating a healthy diet to make sure you are not deficient in anything, cutting down on caffeine and alcohol and getting out in the fresh air and lots of sunshine and getting as much exercise as you feel able to do - I know this is probably difficult if you are feeling fatigued. Sometimes blood tests show within normal range but actually the patient is experiencing symptoms - so iron, vitamin B ?12, thyroid function etc - may look fine but perhaps you need a boost? Lots of fruit and veg and fresh food - not processed! Maybe a gentle iron tonic like Floradix liquid every few days to boost your iron?

Hope this helps and you eventually become less fatigued.

Hurdity x


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