Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Extreme fatigue

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Denise R:
I suffer from extreme fatigue.  Some days I am fine but others it just hits me out of the blue.  I am unable to take HRT so I wonder if anyone out there could recommend a natural alternative?  Thank you. 

Crashing fatigue.  I remember my Mum suddenly sitting down and dropping off to sleep, I wasn't told why so thought that she was really ill  :-\. I have had it sometimes when I was menstruating.

Lots of ladies are unable to take HRT but it is worth while reading the treatment section above.  Some GPs are reluctant to prescribe so suggest that ladies shouldn't take HRT but without explaining why!

Quality of Life is important.  Keep hydrated.  Rest when your body insists.

Hi DeniseR

I too suffer from fatigue. I can be fine and then out of the blue the fatigue hits me.

Apart from trying to follow a healthy diet. I have not found a solution. I too am not on hrt.

So I will be watching this thread with interest ;D



Denise R:
Thank you both for replying. It's  great to get other ladies thoughts.  My Gp won't prescribe HRT because of a family history of breast cancer.  Although I would prefer to get through the menopause without it. 

I assume you have been tested for thyroid function and all other possible deficiencies?  eg iron, B12, Vitamin D etc?
If you have chronic fatigue then your GP should refer to for some of the therapies that can help.
A good Diet and exercise regime with  relaxation techniques and some targeted supplements may help so ask your GP where you could get advice about all this. DG x


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