Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Bioidenticals with pill

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Mary G:
Kv, if you are taking a progesterone only pill then chances are you will be able to just add Oestrogel.

If you want expert advice quickly then seek help privately.   It was Professor Studd who introduced me to Oestrogel which was life changing for me and worth every penny -  I had been using patches which were completely useless and I hated wearing them too.   He now works with two other specialists namely Dr Mike Savvas and Mr Neale Watson who are both very nice.

Good luck with the appointment and keep us updated.

Thank you so much ladies. Just been to drs to get blood test authorised for all of my hormones. Met a somewhat belligerent nurse but got what i wanted after a verbal battle. Im getting these bloods done next week. My appt is with dr savvas. Im sure some people are very lucky with their gp surgery but mine are awful.i mentioned ostregel and she just shrugged her shoulders and said never heard of it.even had the cheek to tell me if i was considering going private i shud get my bloods done privately!!!!! I politely explained that the nhs would pay. Anyway thank you to you all and i will keep you updated!!

Mary G:
kv, you have made a very wise decision to consult Dr Savvas and well done for getting the blood tests via the NHS.  Your GP surgery sounds as bad as mine.

Good luck with the appointment and please let us know how you get on.

Its awful isnt Mary, a constant battle even just to get an appt. Will let you know how it goes xx

The weight around my middle is like a ledge. It is so uncomfortable and ankles are swollen. I am hoping that hrt can resolve this altho have just phone proff studd clinic. Receptionist say some gain or lose a little on treatment.i was hoping the testosterone would help. Im so careful with diet and gym and run 3 times a week. Grrrrrr


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