Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Bioidenticals with pill

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I am looking to book a private appt with professor studd. My bloods confirm im in menopause but i take progesterone only contraceptive pill daily. The reason is my monthlys were so bad.since being on pill i havent had a monthly for over 5 years. Will i still be able to take bioidenticals along with pill. My gp advised for me not to stop the pill as it does control bleeding. I dont want to waste my money if its not possible to have bios. I have all the symotoms of flushes belly fat short temper etc.

I went to see Dr Studd years ago. If you only take a progesterone pill for the bleed then you only need the oestrogen I would think. Dr Studd is a big advocate of oestrogel ( which is an oestrogen only hrt) I found him a little abrupt & because his regime didn't work for me he wasn't really interested in trying to help me after that.  But other women have gone & taken his protocol & felt wonderful. It is a personal decisión. Maybe you could telephone his secretary & ask first before you go

kv - welcome to MM
Most HRTs available on the NHS have bio identical oestrogen in them these days.  Utrogestan(micronised progesterone), which is bio identical progesterone, is available on the NHS as well, so you don't need to spend a fortune seeing Prof Studd to get this. 
There have been reports of very mixed experiences with Studd but I understand he has a team of two specialist gynaes that work with him who are very good - so if, having tried to get NHS help with no success - you feel you do want seek more specialist advice I would ask to see one of his colleagues.
How old are you?  Do you know where you are in your menopause?  Blood tests may help to diagnose but from the symptoms you are describing you are clearly in menopause, if only in the peri meno phase. 
The issue for you is around problematic bleeding and HRT could make this worse.  You will need progesterone alongside oestrogen anyway with any HRT regime as you still have a uterus.  What you don't want is heavy, erratic or problematic bleeding and adding in some oestrogen could bring the bleeds back!!! You are probably in peri menopause and would have to have a sequential HRT at this stage which does involve a monthly bleed - unless you go for a Mirena.
I would go to your GP with all your symptoms, past history and questions written down so you can be clear and concise at the appointment and ask to be referred for specialist advice. Having a Mirena fitted may be your best option (the Mirena can protect the womb lining better than anything else with minimal problems) and you can then add in bio identical oestrogen as either patch or Oestrogel alongside and that will control the flushes and other meno symptoms.

There is a great deal of confusion about bio identical hormones and whilst the old fashioned oestrogens are being phased out in favour of the bio identical ones, unfortunately the bio identical progesterone can bring more side effects (as I experienced) than the more synthetic progesterones. The synthetic progesterones (which I suspect you are on) are more powerful and better at controlling problematic bleeding.   

Read up all the info on this site to get clued up and see if the NHS can help. 
keep us posted.  DG x

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I really appreciate it. I went to GP on Friday but could only see a locum.I wanted my hormone levels checked but he said he cdnt fill in blood form. That is interesting that nhs use biodenticals too. I have made an appt with one of prof studd colleagues on 21st may. I think my concern abt nhs is how knowledgeable my gp practice are re dosage etc.ive had 3 appts so far and no one seems to know what they are doing. I doubt they will prescribe testosterone if i need it as well. I have just started macca root as a last resort. If that doesnt work next 2 to 3 weeks ill go on 21st may even just for initial consult and prescription. I have no idea what stage im at. My fsh is 55 and gp told me im in meno.

When I first went to doctors with perimenopause the doctor was not very clued up on HRTs at all & at that stage I hadn't really investigated it much myself either. He gave me a HRT in a pill form & an AD. He didn't say I should have my hormones tested . But that was my GP. I think some are more clued up than others. Dr Studd always tests hormones which is good & at least seeing a specialist in menopause you are going to get someone who knows more about it. When I went there was only him & it would have been better if I could have seen one of his colleagues. Good luck with your appointment


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