Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

New member - low mood, joint aches, looking for advice on vitamins

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Have you tried St Johns Wort? It can be helpful for low mood etc (is prescribed by doctors in Germany so safe to take if you read the leaflet thoroughly as it can interact with some drugs).
I was recommended to take a good vit B product and a good omega-3 product.


Hello Netsky and welcome to the forum.

I have changed my diet a lot in recent years and I am now eating Whole Food Plant Based ( WFPB. Lot's of info on t'internet if you are interested ). I'm hoping that the increase in plant phyto oestrogens will be of benefit and I understand that a daily tablespoon of ground Linseed/Flaxseed is a good source of these. Certainly can't hurt!

Wishing you well.


Thank you for more input!

I cannot take Sint John's as it interferes with my thyroid tablets.

today I ordered the book "Mood Cure" by Jane Ross, maybe someone has read it?


I would suggest a general multi vitamin and mineral tablet,alongside fish oils but stop your bit d or you will be doubling up. If joints still had glucosamine is get good.


--- Quote from: Netsky on April 12, 2018, 07:09:35 AM ---Hello,

I introduced myself in the "New members" section yesterday and tried to explain my main symptoms: low mood, low thoughts, low level of sleep. Just all is so "low" really, which it never used to be!

Anyway, Wonder if you'd like to help me make a shopping list of what to get when next at H&B's.

I was going to get B12, Omega 6 and Magnesium, but maybe I should start by trying one vitamin/mineral first?

By the way, I am on thyroid tablets and vitamin D.

Hope anyone can point me in the right direction.

Many thanks,


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Hi Netsky and welcome to MM.

You said you were going get magnesium.   I certainly wouldn't be without my magnesium spray at bedtime, as it definitely helps me sleep better and so I would recommend it.


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