Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

New member - low mood, joint aches, looking for advice on vitamins

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I introduced myself in the "New members" section yesterday and tried to explain my main symptoms: low mood, low thoughts, low level of sleep. Just all is so "low" really, which it never used to be!

Anyway, Wonder if you'd like to help me make a shopping list of what to get when next at H&B's.

I was going to get B12, Omega 6 and Magnesium, but maybe I should start by trying one vitamin/mineral first?

By the way, I am on thyroid tablets and vitamin D.

Hope anyone can point me in the right direction.

Many thanks,


Have you spoken to your doctor about HRT?

Hello Dotty

I have, he is very hesitant as I don't have many other physical symptoms. I have to admit I have not pushed it either. The reason is that I react terribly to hormones. When I was a teenager, I took hormones to stop growing. I was already nearly 6 foot at 14 so I took mega hormone cocktails for 1.5 years. Since then, I have been sick as soon as I took them. I have never been on a contraceptive pill for longer than a month as it's constant nausea and worse then...

thats why I am reluctant too to try anything "chemical"


Don't be scared of's not like the chemicals in the contraceptive pills. It's a natural form of Estradiol.

You don't have to take pills as such Netsky you could ask for transdermal either patches or Oestrogel which you just squirt from can and rub on thighs each day.theres less risk as this method by passes the liver would probably also be wise to go on vagifem if there's even a hint of dryness does get worse if untreated as the years go on.speak to your gp and do some research yourself on here.good luck xx


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