Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Red Clover & Sage as taken off HRT

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Hi all. Does anyone have any experience/advice on taking Red Clover & Sage?

I am looking for alternatives as I have had to stop my HRT and of course everything has come back with a vengeance symptom-wise. I am nearly 53 and no period for three years, though was bleeding slightly on Elleste Duet - just a fibroid it turns out thankfully. Night sweats, flushes, joint pain, emotional chaos - you name it!

The reason I ask is that I also take 20mg Amitriptyline each evening - and wondered if anyone could help re: compatibility.

Someone also recommended Wellsprings Serenity Cream too - so all experiences welcome if you have tried that too!

Thanks all  :)

Why did you stop hrt?

Doctor told me to as I was bleeding

You should try a different type or dose of hrt.

Which hrt were you taking? Elleste Duet or Elleste Duet Conti?

Elleste Duet - but the doc has said not to take HRT - so that's why I am asking about alternatives - do you know perhaps? Ta


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