Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies



Hi all I know there are a lot of you on here who suffer from migraine, has any one ever tied acupuncture for it. If so was it successful.

Hello star35,
I tried acupuncture for a couple of sessions mainly for a neck injury. I do have migraines (as well as possible vestibular migraines after injury). The acupuncture did help my neck and I slept well, but unfortunately I had a migraine both times in the few days afterwards despite the therapist trying to treat them too. Please don't be put off though as everyone is different and my situation was complicated with more than one condition. I have heard of people finding acupuncture helps a lot for migraines and my acupuncturist had successfully treated someone with the vestibular version too. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions before you go for treatment.
I hope you find something that helps.

My mother in law used to sware by it, for headaches and back pain.

Hi thank you both for your replies,the acupuncture is for my daughter. She is desperate to find something that helps, we realise that with most treatments and medications everyone is different so I think she is willing to give it a go,as she says she has nothing to loose only the cost if it doesn't work.


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