Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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.......  :rofl:

What a lovely thread  :whist:! I'm a retired music teacher and in January I started a "similar mature-aged Ladies choir" and we have a ball! After 35 years of kids not appreciating what I was trying to do with them (some of them did and I miss them to bits) my Girls love learning new songs and we even sing in harmony now AND entered out 1st competition! Didn't win this year but you bet we'll get closer next year!

      Keep rockin' :cancan:

                  Poppi x

I always feel much better after a good sing and often warble away while I'm doing other things.  I'm sure it's good for my health.

Not so sure about the health of those within earshot though  ;D

It bothers me a lot that music is no longer on the Curriculum.  That children are being pushed towards being academic in order to satisfy OFSTED  :'(. 

When I was in Primary School I played the recorder, there were 8 of us (I think).  In senior school I was in the choir, played recorder, clarinet; had piano lessons  :-\ [hated practice  :-X] and was in various plays/shows in School and later ......... Music heals.  Unites.  Drives some people mad  ;D

I am currently reading about Lily Isaacs who took up music at a very early age and her children joined in with her.  It's a real page turner!

Just refound this thread. A happy thread.  My kids violin (fiddle where we stay...) teacher took it up at the age of 60 as a challenge for his birthday. Taught himself. At 72 he is an amazingly gifted player who plays amazing classical pieces with the local orchestra. Inspiring. I am thinking of getting a ukulele but have difficulty spelling it!


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