Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Post hysterectomy supplements.


Hi, I had a hysterectomy a few years ago.  I am 64.  I dont use HRT owing to worries about my family history of breast cancer.  So I have become the wife from hell.  I am extremely irritable, I have a short fuse, no attention span, I often cant sleep.  I have a spotty back, I hate myself, I hate others too.  I want to take something that will help.  I am currently taking ginko biloba, B complex, D and C.  I will be buying more supplements soon.  Have you suggestions as to a good selection of meds that will be best for how I am now.  PLEASE.  I am sure my husband would really appreciate it.

HI Bibby

Did your mother or sister have Breast cancer? It has to be a close relative who has had an oestrogen receptive Breast cancer for there to be any risks for you. If it is a mother or sister who had BC, can you find out if it was oestrogen sensitive?  Research has actually shown that women who have had a hysterectomy are less likely to develop BC if they use oestrogen!!!!

As to supplements - the only thing that may help would be a diet high in isoflavines but anyone who has had oestrogen receptive BC is advised to avoid isoflavines.  However, for you, it could be worth trying foods with isoflavines, so  drinking and eating more soya, and take Red Clover as well. 
Omega oils are terribly important so if you don't eat oily fish 2-3 times a week then some Krill oil might be good idea.  Magnesium and enough Vitamin D are also essential for absorbing calcium to help the bones.
As for helping the irritability and low mood - Mindful Meditation is a big part of my life and helps enormously - I also do lots of brisk walking as this calms and clears my mind.  Some find St John's Wort very good, it will take time to work and you should probably get specialist advice about the dose you need and what to buy. You also have to be careful with St John's Wort as you can't take it alongside many drugs.

It may well be worth getting specialist advice about whether you could have just a low dose of oestrogen each day - it might work wonders.  You should probably ask for some local oestrogen e.g. Vagifem, to help with urogenital atrophy issues - this is very safe for you to use.
Hope that helps. DG x

My Mother, when she was about 40 and 11 years later she died because it went to her thyroid then her uterus and bones.  Thanks very much for your suggestions DG, I really appreciate it.  I will make a list.  I dont take any drugs regularly so I would only have a problem with St John's if I have something crop up needing meds.  I downloaded a book on EFT tapping.  I really do need to apply myself to that because I hope it might help me.  I agree walking could be a very good medicine for me.   Thank you, once again for your suggestions.  I liv in Turkey and will have to ask around to see if there is a doctor that is clued up on ladies problems and vitamin/herbal treatments.

Its nice to have a plan.  I am SO fed up with myself.

Hi bibby sorry you're going through all this.. there are some things you can take to calm your nerves a little one being Magnesium supplements which are very relaxing,also Valerian (it does have a smell in the capsule form) or St John's Wort.  Some of the ladies on here have said Rescue Remedy helps but I didn't find it to do much. You might want to give teas a try like Chamomile also.

Hi bibby
Sorry you are struggling. It is even harder for you as you have had a hysterectomy & so no gradual decline of your hormones. I had a full hysterectomy nearly 7 years ago & did take HRT but couldn't find one that suited & so came of it last May. I will probably say the same things that have been mentioned. I take valerina which does take the edge of the anxiety. I walk & do relaxation tapes. I also take magnesium, but b, zinc & omegas. The only positive is that as time goes by the symptoms should start to decline.


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