Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Which vitamins?

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No one is being rude Shadyglade, you are being overly sensitive, enough said, peace out, take what you like, I repeat, each to their own.

As Cassie says, no offence was intended and being risk averse has nothing to do with fear or stupidity.

I just meant that if we only act on certainty then we may miss opportunities to discover things that make us feel better. I fortunately have and I don't want you and others to miss out from finding your own little gems. There's still so much that science is yet to uncover!

Well perhaps then you should limit your comments to the content on what I say and not me personally.  I am not risk adverse or over sensitive.

Thank you.

I was addressing everyone (I said ‘we' can be too risk averse, not ‘you'). I can be too risk averse myself but fortunately not over sensitive.  8)

Re. the research, you are not the only person on the forum who has requested research when alternatives or people's off-road personal experiences are being discussed, when these are obviously harder to find research on but can be just as valid as HRT. I'd assumed you felt the same as you seemed to have an open mind towards alternatives too.

I've moved on now dangermouse, but thank you for your reply anyway.


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