Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Which vitamins?

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Okay 👌, if you are happy with that then that's fine for you. However if I were to consider taking K2, which seems to be quite expensive, I would need to see some solid science. And, at the moment, there doesn't seem to be any.


You'll struggle to find double blind placebo research studies on vitamins, minerals and supplements. Only the drug companies can afford to do such thorough expensive research.

Professional advice and trial and error is your best bet. A flexible open mind is needed and we can be at more risk by being risk averse! (My auditor just taught me that).

I am not risk adverse but I won't take anything with out adequate information. We are all altimately responsible for our own health.

Agree Dangermouse but each to their own.

Well girls you are getting a little rude (Cassie and dangermouse), by implying that I am either scared or stupid, when all I was asking for was more information.  However you have spurred me on to find the information I was looking for.

Firstly there is no test for K2 deficiency, no one knows what the optimum level should be and therefore what would be the right dose to take. 

Secondly the only reason given anywhere for taking a K2 supplement is that modern farming methods mean that cattle and cows are not feed grass.  This, if you live in the UK is a wrong assertion.

Just in case you don't want to read it here is the relevant section:-

Dairy cows and beef cattle are usually fed grass during the summer months and conserved forage (grass or maize silage, or hay) in the winter. These forages may be supplemented with cereals and other by-products to increase milk yield or liveweight gain. The diets of both may also include, as available, forage crops such as kale and rapeseed, root crops (turnips and fodder beet), and the pulp remaining from the processing of sugar beet or citrus fruit.
So there you go, mainly grass and even in the winter it is likely to be grass silage or hay (supplemented by other food stuffs).  I would also add that there are vast areas of the planet where beef meat and dairy products are not eaten and never have been. 

I am sorry if my persistance annoys you but I have always lived my life on a 'need to know' bases, and I need to know everything.


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