Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Which vitamins?

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I agree with you when it comes to K1 but one cannot get enough K2 from the diet in the majority of cases and it is essential as one ages to take it, I am seeing in my mom K2 deficiencies at her age, which could have possibly been prevented.

What kind of deficiencies are you seeing? If it is so crucial, why aren't  doctors telling us about it? Thanks for any info. xx

I take 5 mg K2 (Mk4) daily.
Vitamin K2 is recommended as a cofactor in helping correct Vitamin D deficiency. It keeps calcium in the bones and teeth and not circulating in the blood stream, which can cause problems, especially if using a high dose Vitamin D3 protocol.

She has calcification of the aortic valve which could have poss been prevented by her intake of Vit K2, according to her Dr.

Salad I have been told that its imperative to take K2 and a Vit D3 together, apparantly the work together,  do you take additional D3?


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