Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Which vitamins?

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Salad, I have a sublingual B12 (methylcobalamin 1000 mcg) supplement which doesn't taste too bad. It's a small, blackcurrant flavoured tablet from Just Vitamins, which I bought online. Their products are good and reasonably priced.
JP x


--- Quote from: Joaniepat on March 28, 2018, 09:56:36 PM ---Salad, I have a sublingual B12 (methylcobalamin 1000 mcg) supplement which doesn't taste too bad. It's a small, blackcurrant flavoured tablet from Just Vitamins, which I bought online. Their products are good and reasonably priced.
JP x

--- End quote ---

That sounds perfect Joaniepat - the one I got was recommended on a Vitamin B12 Facebook group but now I've read a bit more I realise I should have got the methylcobalamin. I guess it's a bit trial and error until you find one you like and that works. I tried a tablet first but I had an adverse reaction to it - I think it's the bulking agents used  :-\
Thanks again  :)

Have done some research on K2 and it seems that the jury is still out.  Cheese seems to be a good natural source and any fermented foods.  A supplement should not be taken if you are on anticoagulant medications.

My nutritionist is adamant that one cannot obtain enough K2 through the diet as one would need to consume grass fed beef, chicken, eggs, butter and milk and one does not always know whether you are buying grass fed, apparantly Edam and gouda are good ones and I love Sauerkraut so I do eat a lot of that.

I see no reason to take Vitamin K2 unless you are at particular risk of deficiency:

"While vitamin K deficiencies are uncommon, you may be at higher risk if you:
    Have a disease that affects absorption in the digestive tract, such as Crohn's disease or active celiac disease
    Take drugs that interfere with vitamin K absorption
    Are severely malnourished
    Drink alcohol heavily"

Here's another article about it

Hurdity x


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