Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Which vitamins?

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Just wondering which vitamins and what sort of dose people are taking to help?
I currently take
Vit D- 10,000 - 2-3 times a week(always suffered low levels)
Evening primrose oil

Is there anything else I should add? I just want to feel better, hopefully something that will help with the aches,brain fog,insomnia and low mood.
Thanks 🙂

Morning.! You need to be taking vit k2 along with your d3 vitamins as it helps to stop the formation of calcium crystals,when combined with each other it stops arterial can buy a combi spray of d3 and k2 which you just spray into your mouth therefore bypassing the liver so your absorption rates will be much better.check it on amazon not a bad price from can also get a good quality multi b vitamin from them.try and get your magnesium and calcium from your food rather than a bit of research on this it's quite easy to up your diet to include more also if you can try and drink a glass of milk daily as that will increase your iodine levels which will benefit your thyroid function,it all helps and well done xx

I would add that Vit K deficiency is very uncommon in healthy adults.  So long as you are eating your greens, you should be getting enough naturally. Olives and olive oil also very rich in K.

P.S.  If you do decide to supplement don't take more than 1mg.

Hi Lalb1

I can identify with your symptoms plus add some others  :)
I'm on a regime at the moment to correct a Vitamin D deficiency - 10 000 iu D3 daily plus 400-600 mg Magnesium Glycinate and 5 mg Vitamin K2 (Mk 4).
Once I'm at a good Vit D level and if I'm still having symptoms I'll add in B12 supplements.

Have a read about the symtoms for low vit d, low magnesium and low B12- I think you'll be interested.

Omega 3 - is very important. If you can eat salmon or tuna at least 3 times a week then that may be enough but popping some Krill oil capsules (expensive I'm  afraid) would be good. It takes time for levels to build but omega 3 is good for joints, skin, cognitive function and also mood. DG x


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