Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Lichen Sclerosus and Planis

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hi Dancinggirl

I have been seen by dermatology/ gynae. My gynae told me not to use Estriol anymore, just stressed that after having surgery to separate the fused skin, that it maybe fusing again so quickly. How do I stop this from happening?. I think I will give the consultants secretary a ring and ask for advice  :-\

Yes it can fuse again and need redoing ......however you should absolutely be permanently on local oestrogen to help prevent it redoing so, the steroid cream you use thins the skin and the oestrogen will help repair , if you where in the US ( I'm uk btw and don't have LS but no quite a bit about it as wrongly diagnosed so learnt a lot in a short while turned out to be VA ) you would be prescribed an oestrogen cream as standard.

What does your surgeon think will happen after two weeks of stopping that you are miraculously cured ? There is just no commonality across the board ( especially the menopause years ).

Good luck with it all , also ladies get relief from emu oil ( good quality well sourced ).💐


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