Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Lichen Sclerosus and Planis

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Need some info please. I went through surgery 6 months ago to have the fused skin separated due to lichen sclerosis and planus. Is there a chance that the skin can fuse together again, and are there any kind of creams that I can use. I have tried coconut oil which wasn't helpful and am currently using dermovate, which works sometimes. I was given Estriol cream to use for 2 weeks after surgery, but been advised not to use now. Sex is totally impossible as the opening is now too small. HELP  :-\ :-\

Sorry, that sounds awful.   Do you not get seen on a regular basis by the Surgeon?  There are threads on Lichen so put the name into the search box on here to see what others have done.

As far as I know cream can be used in the vaginal area for ever!

It's a yearly appointment. Thank you for info x

I would give the Consultant's secretary [we don't bite ;-)]  a ring in the morning and see if you can bring the appt. forwards or if she can fish your notes out and make enquiries on your behalf.  ? ......  I am surprised that you aren't monitored more regularly! every 3 months initially followed by every 6  :-\

Hi and welcome to MM Alpen
Were you treated by a dermatologist for all this ? It could be good to get referred to a gynae for more advice. I would have thought local oestrogen would be helpful.  If you are menopausal and therefore urogenital atrophy an issue, then the oestrogen cream would surely help restore things better.
Don't suffer - ask your GP for more help. DG x


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