Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients

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Bravo Hurdity, well said! Thank you for taking the time to write this excellent and comprehensive post, these things need saying.
JP x

At work I sit next to a 33 year old woman who said one day “ I don't  know why you faff about with hrt, you're only delaying the inevitable”

I asked how on earth can you DELAY the menopause? When Your eggs are gone, they're gone! And if I could delay it I'll tell you now that I'd delay it permanently !  She soon shut up

Some suffer, some don't, some can't take hrt.  I'm one that intends to stay on it for life, health permitting !

Well I hope this thread hasn't frightened Eliza off.  This forum is about sharing experience and that is all she did.  I know many women are helped by HRT.  Some  try it and don't get on with it and some like Eliza and I chose a different route.  That does not me we suffer less !! (who has the right to judge others experience). There is nothing wrong with different opinions but there should be healthy debate without it getting adversarial. 

Well I'm off to Suffolk now.  I hope you are still with us Eliza.   ;)

It's wonderful that some people are able to get through this time without HRT but that doesn't mean that it is a 'quick fix' for those who can't, or that they are necessarily going to end up with worse problems in future.  You only have to read the many threads on this forum to see that some women have fought for years to be given HRT, so it's hardly a 'quick fix' for them!  Also, most women on this forum are well-educated about the benefits and risks of HRT so have made their decision with that in mind.

OP, It would be really helpful if you could discuss which alternatives you tried and which you found most helpful.  After all, this is a section for discussing alternatives, not for knocking HRT!  Many women either can't take HRT or don't wish to, and it's helpful to know other people's experience of various alternatives.

As with many health conditions, one size doesn't fit all. 

I won't go over what has been said about menopause which 'translates' as the end of menstruation.  My periods waxed and waned for several years: I would miss months and months then have periods regularly for months and months: then they stopped.  I didn't stop carrying protection for 5 years though  :D.

It's how ladies are treated by their GPs/Practice Nurse which may make the situation hard work.  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary useful to chart daily feelings.  Gentle exercise can help.  Some require HRT, some need anti-depressant and/or anti-anxiety medication, some require both.

There R no hard and fast rules but it can be Trial and Error until we find something that works to relieve any hormonal symptoms.  That was the same 4 me trying to find an anti-depressant medication in the 1980s, it took MONTHS! 

 :welcomemm:  Eliza H - browse round.  Make notes ;-)


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