Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients

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I have returned to the forum after many years..I am in such a bad way (very little sleep, sweats/chills, exhaustion and memory really bad) that could not work out how to post a message but found this thread which is relevant. Thank you for the comments on here.

I went on hrt when 47 (am now nearly 59) so,following advice of GP and nurse, have made several attempts to come off over the last few years as told I had been on long time and that the benefits could now be outweighed by risks. I have been taking reduced dose since last August, gradually getting the dose down to about 3 days out of 7 up until Christmas, and nothing since, as thought doing okish (sleep has been poor for years anyway, even without hot flushes and being on the hrt) and had some hot weeks where assumed had a bug.   

However over the last month have got increasingly worse, so back with the sweats - at least 10 heavy ones a day and through the night. Plus have had shingles, more hair loss again, eyes too dry for my contact lenses, painful knees, ...the list goes on, but probably the worst is the short term memory loss - finding it hard to read a book, forgetting the names of my own team members at work, forgetting conversations I have had, making mistakes, being complained about now to the point that may have to give up work. It feels like more than just bad nights causing this and am finding it scary.  I think it is mostly post menopause symptoms again (especially as had a smear test from hell. Never having one again (and wont be called for one now am 59) -not been painful before. I could hardly walk home. Then two days later had period like cramps that lasted a week.

All that said two positives -no migraines, and upset stomachs (sort of IBS) have reduced.

I have finally relented and called GP surgery. I asked for nurse (as she was sympathetic about me going down the hrt route as she had also done so reluctantly). However she would not prescribe hrt again but is sending me for blood tests (not sure what for - had a load a few months back due to swollen ankle/foot and tiredness).

I dont think the blood results will show anything but am worried that if I can't get through this (am I just at the peak of it and will get better soon?!) I don't know what I will do. I have a holiday booked in June (my first abroad for a long time) that I am considering cancelling and just losing the £.1500 (insurance does not cover menopause!).  When I get really hot I vomit, so don't want to be doing that when away, it is bad enough at home (and work).

Any advice welcome.   I feel like an idiot and that I am making a fuss and should just get on with it. I expect my boss (who is 20 years younger) thinks the same.




--- Quote from: Stellajane on April 07, 2018, 11:09:30 AM ---Hi Shadyglade - you chose "to suffer"

--- End quote ---

Now that is a bit naught Stellajane.  That is not what I said at all.  Yes I did have times when I suffered BUT many more times when I managed pretty well.  The same also seems to be true for the HRT ladies.

This idea that if you chose not to take HRT you are stupid has to be challenged. I would not dream of saying the reverse to HRT users. :o

Thanks Stellajane

I agree there is no absolute ideal solution, I had side effects with the hrt -just taking the pill each day I always got a big sweat in the morning, and did not solve the early waking etc. but on balance what I am suffering now is far far worse.

I was going to ask GP whether patch route may be better (if I get to see my GP as surgery in a bit of crisis at moment, which was another reason for asking for nurse as they offer phone consultations). I have no partner so am not concerned about the vaginal atrophy aspect - it was just evidence of the impact of reduced hrt. as if I needed any proof!

I would like to add that I agree - going on hrt or coming off it is really not an easy choice. None of us know when we hit menopause how long the adjustment will take -months, years.. Just as I don't know now if or when I will ever get over the post menopausal symptoms. I just have to balance the pros and cons. I really only came off because of my age, and because my mother died following a series of strokes and narrowed arteries (undiagnosed -only found that out at autopsy) so part of me has a fear of that.   But fear of losing my mental capacity greater and losing my job outweighs all of those fears in the end. I want to enjoy my life now.

Good luck to all struggling with these choices. x


To go back to the theme of this thread, ‘future problems from HRT that are not made clear' - this implies that it is HRT that 'is responsible' or causes the symptoms that we experience when we come off HRT and this is simply not the case.  It's the withdrawal of hormones, more specifically oestrogen, that causes the symptoms - so using HRT has nothing to do with how we feel when we come off it.  HRT can maintain a balance which gives a good quality of life for many through years before retirement that can be tough.  How long the symptoms will last nobody can tell us but the consequences of oestrogen deficiency goes on regardless.  This is not to say we should all be using HRT BUT there does need to be a better approach by the medical profession that allows women to make an informed decision about whether they should use HRT or not and for how long.  IF they want us to work till 66 or longer then, for many, HRT is their only option - and HRT it still far from ideal.  DG x

Precisely Stellajane. "this is probably down to oestrogen loss but we'll run some tests to rule out any other cause then you can make a decision about which route you may wish to consider".
A good common sense approach.  DG x


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