Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients

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I took hrt for a couple of years after surgery.i tried two years without initially then two years with as sweats at 43 were unbearable,I then tried again without for 5 years,my health deteriorated terribly,all the usual symptoms of meno and some I never knew you could get with meno,I made the best descision I've ever made going back on it,stuff future problems,after a severe injury I've learned the hard way to live for today and In the present and if need be I'll deal with the future - in the future.
none of us can predict what's in store for us so I guess the secret is think positive and live in the present as best you can,I'm just grateful to be here even with my unpredictable issues lol.
Bless you if you can cope without hrt but some of us just can' deserves to be lived.xx

Quality of Life Girls, Quality of Life - after all that bus might be along B4 any of us get ill from HRT!

Stellajane - all you say is soooo true.  I tried a very low dose Amitriptyline to help with back pain and the first 2 weeks were OK but by week 3 the side effects were horrid so I stopped taking it - it took about 4 weeks to get over the withdrawal - the GP didn't warn me about the side effects or the withdrawal problems! 
The lobby against HRT, for all kinds of very spurious reasons, is still so strong and GPs very often tell patients that HRT will just delay the inevitable which is simply not true. What is inevitable is that without oestrogen the body does suffer and, as you rightly point out Stellajane, clearly some women's bodies can compensate for oestrogen deficiency better than others. DG xxx

Be careful not to generalise DG.  Women who don't take HRT do so for all sorts of reasons, and are not spurious but genuine and authentic. I personally wanted my help my body find it's own way through the meno, using more natural and holistic methods.  I did suffer, but from what I read here on a daily basis, so do many women who are on HRT.   We all choose are own path. 

If you read what I have said carefully, I am not generalising at all - there is still a very strong lobby against HRT. I was not referring to women who don't wish to take HRT - of course it is a choice and we all have to find our own way. I was referring to the press and many in the medical profession who deem HRT dangerous and unnecessary for the wrong reasons. Too many women are sent away from a GP appointment having been told to ‘ride the storm' or given a very scary talk about how dangerous HRT is. 
I believe HRT is simply one of the many strategies we need to deploy to get us through this challenging time. I am 62 now and not on systemic HRT any more (had premature meno so had to have HRT for nearly 25 years and was so often told I was taking something ‘dangerous') so I have made the choice to go forward without HRT - although I would not be without the Vagifem which is a good preventative against the horrors of urogenital atrophy. I cope with the poor sleep, flushes and awful fatigue by tailoring my life around all these symptoms - I have given up full time work because I simply couldn't do it any more due to these meno symptoms but I was also struggling with the  progesterone of HRT as I aged - so, for me, the natural way is certainly not easy.     
It is, however, very tough to be judged as being ‘weak' for using HRT or, as a practise nurse commented, “using HRT to stay young looking” !!
Women have fought and still have to fight really hard to get help with menopause problems, so when someone tells us HRT is merely delaying the inevitable or will be dangerous for our health this is very wrong.
We are all different and those women who are lucky enough not to suffer badly with menopause symptoms can 'sometimes' sound very dismissive and sanctimonious and those of us who suffer have to smile sweetly and turn green (or should I say bright red) with envy that we are not like them.  DG x


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