Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

future problems from HRT that are not made clear to patients

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So, from what I am understanding now from this thread and from other threads, future "problems not made clear" don't necessarily exist. Thank you Hurdity for unravelling the myths and sharing your experience to date and future HRT plans. I am 45 in peri for probably 3 yrs, but only now understanding it, trying phytoestrogens (4 mths) and testosterone (2wks). I am feeling better now, but making plans for the future (i.e., I will take HRT when I feel I need it). These discussions/debates are very helpful. Thank you all for your input.

Menopause is the cessation of monthly periods.  End of.

What we don't get told are that some symptoms can cause problems.  But HRT doesn't delay problems - it is after all, 'replacement'.  Some ladies require it, others don't.

Testosterone of course is the male hormone of which some may be low enough to have symptoms, my GP won't prescribe it.  Fortunately my libedo came back up on it's own >phew<!

Keeping a diary can be really useful 'cos it's easy to forget how we are on our better days  ::)

Hi! I think that hrt is a necessity for premature and early menopause. I'm 42 and on hrt.
I think that estrogen is vital for my health and the quality of life. I don't want to suffer and I cannot see meno as a natural event at a such a young age.
 I agree with you Mary G, I hope I can take hrt the longer I can. I take synthetic progesterone but I'll change it soon.

Using hrt does not mean you will have a bad time when you stop using it. Hurdity, as always, has explained things very well. HRT is not for everyone but to assume HRT is not beneficial for many women is a narrow viewpoint.

ELIZA - It's not that we want to frighten you off - you are very entitled to your opinion.  I can understand why you believe that HRT has perhaps made things worse for your sisters now - I do wonder why they have stopped using hrt? Have they been pressured by their GP? Unless there are health reasons or they simply decided they wished to stop, then they could continue if they feel good on HRT, provided they understand that there are very, very small risks.
We all experience the menopause differently - my 2 sisters had few problems. You may have been lucky and not had meno symptoms as severely as your sisters and the withdrawal symptoms, may well have been what they would have had during the years they were using hrt - they would not have had quality of life through that time. The average time for most meno symptoms to last is between 2-8 years but many suffer for 20 or more years!!! BUT the negative effects of oestrogen deficiency goes on giving problems for the rest of our lives. Life is short and if we need to work, then we do everything we can to keep working.
How much have you spent on alternative remedies over the years and how much have you had to adjust your life to cope with flushes, lack of sleep and generally feeling unwell?
As Hurdity has pointed out, HRT will offer protection for the bones and heart in the long term - so your sisters have a reduced risk of developing bone and heart problems. HRT will also help to prevent urogenital atrophy.  I also believe there is research that shows HRT gives a reduced risk of bowel cancer!  HRT us not just symptom relief.

If you are getting any urinary issues or vaginal dryness, I would strongly suggest you ask your GP for some local
Oestrogen - this can be used for life ( virtually no risks or side effects as it is not absorbed systemically)  and will help to keep your whole urogenital area healthy for the long term.
I'm afraid many of us are fed up with people highlighting the negatives of HRT and not emphasising the positives.
 DG x

This is an interesting topic.  I notice there are lots of threads and posts regarding starting HRT and problems etc., but not much input about coming off. I know I am not HRT literate but I would have thought coming off would have some sort of effect on symptoms, perhaps negative and positive, so ladies with personal experience could give valuable information. 

The Choice not to take HRT was clear cut for me but for others such information would help in their choice.  Especially as GPs seem to know so little the personal experience of others is even more important.  That is what makes this forum so important.  It would be good if ladies such as Eliza's sisters could come on the forum and discuss their experience. 

The more information the better.


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