Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage for hotflushes is working for me

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I am peri too.  I thought that my 'lady magnet' had helped but it hadn't, it was just that my symptoms were fluctuating.

I would be interested in trying Sage though, would you mind telling me which brand you are taking? and perhaps the strength too?

Thank you!

Ali x


--- Quote from: Dancinggirl on January 26, 2018, 09:11:17 PM ---The peri stage is when the hormones fluctuate so meno symptoms come and go giving the impression that these remedies are helping.
Alternative remedies are not without some risks so do be careful.
If Sage made a significant difference it would be prescribed by our doctors.
DG x

--- End quote ---
I've been taking ultra sage for a couple of months now.  I'm in full on menopause, and they've been a life saver for me!  Started working after about a week, and now having no night flushes.   I can even wear cosy pyjamas again.  And sleep.  They may not work for everyone, but they obviously do for some.  My GP is happy and fully supportive, following several failed attempts at hrt.


--- Quote from: alibeau on February 05, 2018, 12:25:52 PM ---Hi,

I am peri too.  I thought that my 'lady magnet' had helped but it hadn't, it was just that my symptoms were fluctuating.

I would be interested in trying Sage though, would you mind telling me which brand you are taking? and perhaps the strength too?

Thank you!

I take Vitabiotics Ultra Sage, one a day, it works for me for hot flushes.  I don't  know that it makes a difference to any other symptoms, but it's definitely stopped the flushes!
Ali x

--- End quote ---


Well I started taking Vitabiotics Ultra Sage over a week ago and my flushes have pretty much stopped.

I am Peri though so at the moment I have no idea if the Sage has worked or if my symptoms just passed for now.....

Either way, I'll continue with the Sage as it's not overly expensive and keep everything crossed that it is a miracle cure ;-)

Ali x

Herbs can be very effective and a lot of forward thinking GPs do recommend them. I had one who used to actually scribble the herb name on a scrap of paper and give it me like a prescription with a little nod and a wink to keep it to myself!

He's retired and would probably be struck off now for not following the rigid rules!


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