Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage for hotflushes is working for me

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Hello Andrea63 and welcome to the forum.

Thank you for thinking of us, I'm sure many ladies will be interested in reading your updates.

Your post caught my eye because my son is flying into Geneva tomorrow and will be on holiday in Switzerland for a week. He'll be staying in the mountains and is really looking forward to visiting your beautiful country.

Wishing you well and take care.


 Hi all I'm new here! :) On the tight rope of deciding between HRT or continuing along the natural route, but I agree with Ruby10 that sage works for hot flashes and possibly water retention weight too. My weight yo yo's up and down daily, when that happens or a hot flush I dab myself on the wrist on inner elbows with some sage oil. It seems to work quickly to alleviate hot flushes and water weight. I keep it in my pocket at work for emergencies!  ;)

LOVE the name, unicornpoop! Just wanted to welcome you to the forum. ;) xxxx


I would like to try sage oil.  Do you use Clary Sage or just Sage?  Are they even the same thing?  ???

Ali x

I have been taking 2*285 Twice a day of Sage Leaf from Holland And Barret.


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