Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage for hotflushes is working for me

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my consultant unofficially recommended sage, it was great for a couple of months and then stopped working. Next time I saw her, she said a lot of the herbal alternatives gave relief for a short but not long term

ruby10 - good to hear.  I'm glad it's working for you.  There are a lot of natural ways to support our bodies in this time.  My doctor recommended sage as well.  I haven't yet tried it.  But he's very conservative about 'alternative' treatment, so for him to recommend it, it must mean he's seen good results in patients.  Good luck!

For what it's worth, I'm still doing well on Sage.  It's been a good few months and my night flushes are gone.  I've even been using a hot water bottle!  I guess I've been extremely lucky, but after trying virtually everything else, I'm just glad to have found something that works.  I still get the odd flush during the day, and obviously it's not going to stop any other symptoms, but the night flushes are gone, and I'll take that :)

Hi guys

started having sage pills about 3 weeks ago and not really seen any difference with my hot flushes. Do I need to give it more time or is it just not the right treatment for me.

this is all new to me and i'm only 44.

I am new to this forum.  My doctor in Switzerland prescribed Sage in "essential oil" form.  I have been taking it for 10 days and it seems to make a little difference.  I am also taking Cimifemin fort ("Cimicifuga racemosa" - roostock).  I'll let you know how I fare in a few months.
Best wishes from Geneva!


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