Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Palpitations herbal ?

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--- Quote from: Hurdity on February 03, 2018, 08:34:44 PM ---the question was a general one - "What worked for you" and there is nothing to indicate an intolerance to HRT.
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The original question was
--- Quote from: Ruby10 on January 23, 2018, 05:01:25 PM ---I am looking for something herbal to take for the heart palpitations I get . What has worked for you ?

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which I assume is why most replies have concentrated on non-HRT solutions

I drink hawthorn tea, which you can buy as tea bags from a good health food shop or through Amazon. I have been drinking it off and on for years  and it works for me.

Firstly Ruby10 , you have my sympathy for being bothered by these pesky things. They are my most hated symptom. Mine have changed over the years and sometimes react well to herbal interventions and sometimes not. Things that have been successful for me on occasion have been mistletoe tea or chamomile tea. I am currently trying maca which started off really well and is now not so helpful, but think I am having a hormonal flare at the moment! Although it is not herbal,  I also know a lot of ladies have had success with magnesium - either the tablets or the oil. The oil helps avoid the upset tummy issue which many of the tablets can cause. Hope you find something that helps soon, however the most important thing with these is to be thoroughly checked out by your doctor so you can be sure it is just Peri/Menopause causing them. Oh and please come back and tell us what has worked for you.


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