Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Palpitations herbal ?

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I am looking for something herbal to take for the heart palpitations I get . What has worked for you ?

Hrt stopped my palpitations in one day.

Hi dotty

Can I ask what  type of HRT you are on ?

You could try any of the sedative herbs.  I find camomile tea beneficial, but some people can react badly to it - my mother can't take it as it CAUSES palpitations with her!

Cutting out caffeine can also help if you haven't done that already

HRT is the best thing to reduce palpitations. 
You could try Magnesium - when I started taking magnesium, my palpitations really reduced.
Camomile tea - very soothing. Definitely cut out caffeine and alcohol.  DG x


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