Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Heck... GP took me off of hrt

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The recommendations by FSRH for the pill changed in 2007 when a study came out saying that anyone who had ever had migraine with aura was at increased risk of stroke.

This caught up with me in 2012 when my GP surgery asked me, for the first time  ::),  about migraines (yes) and I was banned from taking the pill at the age of 49 1/2  ??? (and when I was pushed into the deep end with meno with no advice other than to get a mirena, and I started finding out about things)

These guidelines apply only to combined oral contraceptives.  They contain massive amounts of progestogen and a strong oestrogen compound that is designed to help stop ovulation.  They are hormones given for contraception purposes to a normal functioning healthy woman.  The risk factor is whether the risks outweigh those in a normal pregnancy.

HRT is replacement therapy - replacing what you do  not have and is more natural oestrogen and way, way much less progestogen (or even a more natural progesterone).  It is not the same thing as oral contraceptives.


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