Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Heck... GP took me off of hrt

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My GP has taken me off of hrt as I suffer with migraines and there is a risk of stroke.

I've been referred to a gynae consultant.

In the mean time I'm  wanting a natural supplement that has a good effect on my mood, libido, and the continuous hot flushes I'm getting... Any advice?

Thank you

Transdermal hrt is safe for ladies who suffer with migraines

Hi there.
I had chronic migraines, used transdermal, oral and gels over this last few years...I also have a Mirena.....see another GP in surgery ....
Woodlands x

Or speak to the one who took you off it with the advice given here?  How long is the referral, did your GP mark it 'urgent'?  Maybe ring the appropriate Dept. to see what the waiting list is?

Mary G:
That is completely wrong.  You don't need to stop taking HRT because of migraines, you need to take a different type namely transdermal HRT.  What type of HRT were you taking and for how long?  Chances are, it was the progesterone component that was causing the migraines in which case, you need to switch to something else.  Another reason could be that the oestrogen was too low.  I get migraines if the progesterone is too high and the oestrogen is too low. 

If you can come back and tell us what type of HRT you were taking and when you were getting the migraines it would help us to guide you in the right direction.  Also, did you suffer with PMS or have a history of migraines pre-menopause?


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