Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Considering trying HRT patches.

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Harry Bear1:
Great to hear from an experienced ‘patch fan' . On the basis I have not had periods for the las 8 years and was not regular 2 years prior to that , and my FSH levels are at 60 I would say I am Post- menopause phase.

Started my first patch this evening and have been prescribed Evorel Conti patches (Jansen-colas Ltd) to be applied twice weekly.

I am healthy and fit as go to the gym 6 times a week so have no problem with my weight. My hope is to have less hot flushes so that I can have a decent 7 hrs sleep, and also get to enjoy my sex life again.
The other thing is alcohol is the biggest trigger that I have suffered with in the last couple of months, and have consequently chosen not to drink. Although I am not  a big drinker at all - I do enjoy a glass of champagne occasionally.

How long does it take before One starts to benefit from the effects?  :D :D

hi all im 41 and have been going through the pre menopause for a while but the last year has been worse periods few if any i have hot flushes no sleep hardly i ache all the time but the worst i think is that i am exhausted to the point i just cry i am so exhausted  been to doctors a few times and my levels show my overies are doing nothing now they have gave me a pescription forevorel sequil patches but im scared to start using them with all the risks need some advice please thanks emma x

ancient runner:
Emma that sounds exhausting. You should be on HRT to 52 at least which is the average age of meno - that protects your bones and heart. As I understand it, the benefits of HRT outweigh risks to 60 and balance each other out for the next decade. Everything in life carries a risk - my personal feeling is that quality of life is important.


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