Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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DG..  I did so much better with very little breakthro on the compounded P CREAM .... but doc won't allow a 90 day cycle on cream.  I have never had kids so probably Not a candidate for Mirena and recent news here in US  informs users that memory loss issues are now being reported by users.  At 69 I DEFINITELY don't need any helpwith memory loss!  Also  I suffer from vulvodynia and this limits any internal applications of e or p or live other than coconut oil for years now.   I took provera many years ago in my 30s because I never gad a reg period... and doc wanted to be sure I got a bleed to keep lining healthy..PCOS MAYBE?    Any way?  Been sort of I digress.... didn't the provera eventually become one of the synthetics we have been warned against because of its breast cancer, stroke, and heart disease risk.

Duffy - at your age things do get tricky.  There is no news here in the UK about the Mirena causing memory difficulties, in fact, HRt is known to aid cognitive abilities.  However, it may be unwise to consider this option at your age.
I do know a lady in her 80s who is still on HRT and she is amazing!!!! I'm afraid she doesn't share what she is using.

I do think you have a dilemma.  My thought would be: go back to a 4-6 weekly sequential regime so you can use the lower progesterone dose.  Provera is one of the kinder progesterones so may still be an option but if we wish to continue HRt into our 60s, 70s or even our 80s, we simply have to compromise more on what we can use. 
Surely you are being given some local oestrogen for you urogenital problems? Many ladies on this site would not dream of going without, at the very least, local oestrogen to treat and prevent ongoing problems with our ‘lady bits' - Vagifem is a favourite but some prefer the creams. I personally use vaginal moisturisers daily - most forum users on MM like SYLK and the YES products.   Coconut oil can be great as well.  DG x

''Tks ur response.  I use estrogen patch only .... as my experience with internal e has been very negative... seriously severe yeast infections and then allergic to most of the antifungal cures.  The infections cause further degrading oh the Vulvar area....a vicious cycle.  I do use coconut oil for external and internal comfort.  I seriously considered inserting the prometrium to cervix but the fear of those mega infections stopped me.... I probably should get a hysterectomy to avoid the progesterone requirement  but this poses it's own probs as it would be an elective surgery so I wouldn't have to take P So it would be a financial burden, and tho in fairly good health any surgery at my age is scary and last but not  least my reading of  all things hormonal tells me that with surgery I would have hormonal repercussions even tho I'm past menopause.  I CANT go back to the acute v issues that kept me fhousebound, unable to wear even underwear and unable to sit because of the pain in my lady parts.   this conundrum almost makes me wish I HAD to have a hysterectomy!

Urogenital atrophy is utterly miserable. I am 61 and stopped systemic HRT about 18 months ago. I just use Vagifem 2-3 times a week and vaginal
Moisturiser daily. The Vagifem did irritate badly for the first 2-3 weeks when I started to use it but now it is maintaining things quite well and will hopefully becusung this for the rest of my life.  The oestrogen  creams burned like crazy - I can only use Vagifem.
I wish I could offer more help. DG x

Do u have to take a P TO protect the uterus?   My V skin was so bad the skin was peeling .. internal tearing when sex was attempted . I wonder if I could continue systemic e ~ add in vagifem and when /If a pain free state is achieved ..start weaning from the oatch?  The fear of the yeast infection geometry internal applications is pretty strong but while using systemic may be possible to stave off yest while internal tissue adjusts to the insult of direct medication .might be a bit estrogen dominant for a whil but maybe save me from past horrible experience.  When gyro made me quit because of women's health initiative results here in us ...she did not wean me even when I questioned that.  In about a month mt lady bits were raw and peeling on the outside....dry and inflamed inside.    Makes me scared to try anything but this might be a way to start by using combo of internal and system Estrogen


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