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Does anyone tale 300 mg prometrium with estrogen as their HRT regimen?  I use .05 everyday and prometrium every 90 days dosing 300 mg for 14,days .  Hate hate hate the prometrium and,this seems like a lot of it.  Also the generic does not seem as effective as,the brand prometrium to me

Hi and welcome Duffy
I assume you are in the USA? Prometrium is prescribed as Utrogestan here in the UK. The highest dose used here is 200mg per day of Utrogestan, usually for 10-14 days within a monthly cycle (some do stretch to a 6 week cycle) and this produces an effective shedding of the womb lining.  I do suspect that 300mg per day for 14 days is perhaps a little excessive, even though you are doing a very long cycle regime.  I think Prometrium comes in a variety of dosages in the US, so maybe ask your gynaecologist about reducing the dose to 200mg for a couple of cycles and then having a scan to see if this still results in a proper shedding.  Dg x

I can barely manage 100mg for 12 days, 300mg sounds too awful, can you not use less?

Cassie. R u taking progesterone every month ....statrting early this year  I am only taking four times a year ~ summer, fall, winter and spring (Every ninety days) taking the prometrium for 14 days at the end of each 90 day term.   The first 90 day term progesterone was 200mg and everything went fine , except even with 200mg dose I didn't get a bleed at all (guessing I should have) I was all happy that I didn't have to take P again for another 90 days -but started spotting on day 47!  Took 200 mg again starting day 47 `for another 14 days ... got a mild period. Have had breakthrough again ..another round of 200mg for 14 days and this time a heavy period.  Thought I was going to be good to go and would be able to go the ninety days ...but on day 32 ~spotting again!  So I'm on progesterone again but there has been a suggestion to go to 300 mg.  This stuff makes me ill, breaks out my skin in the nether regions and causes hallucinations the first 6 or 7 days of use.   The whole point of going to 200 mg was to reduce my exposure to the P .....  I am getting frustrated!  I know it takes time,for,the body,to adjust to a new method of hormone replacement therapy` But good grief!

Duffy - I had a lot of problems with Utrogestan( Prometrium) and we are not alone in finding it tough to tolerate.  Perhaps try a different progesterone e.g. Medroxyprogesterone (known as Provera in the UK).  Doing a 90 cycle is difficult, as break through and erratic bleeding is very common.  Why not try doing a 6 week cycle using a different progesterone that doesn't need to be taken in such a high dose. Unfortunately Prometrium is the least powerful type of progesterone available, so is not as good at protecting the womb lining from building up, as many other types. 
I would ask to have a scan as well to see what's going on with your womb lining. 
Have you considered having a Mirena fitted - this can be the least hassle, non bleed, way to use progesterone with minimal side effects.

Dg x


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