Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone tried Sage?

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For what it's worth-

I worked for Holland and Barrett for 18 months and had to do a lot of study of many different types of products. I was already aware of sage as a treatment for hot flushes and so many women would come up to me asking for help with menopause symptoms. I pretty much always recommended sage, black cohosh and specific menopause vitamins and a few times ladies would come back in to thank me for me suggestion as the products had definitely helped them.

What worked for me was being pre-emptive, when I was in my late 40s I started taking MenoSeren as I didn't want to be knocked siedways by menopause. What happened was that I had nearly no symptoms and I'm fairly certain it was down to the supplements. I also have been taking EPO for years, still do.
Hope this helps,



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