Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone tried Sage?

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Hi, I'm new here, and hoping for some advice on natural/alternative remedies.  I've been down the hey route, and it seems I'm sensitive to oestrogen, I also struggle with most prescription medication, so I'm trying to find suggestions of what to try next!  I've heard sage can help some women, and wondered if anyone here had tried it?  I suffer mainly hot flushes at night, not sweating though, just burning, dry heat, and pretty debilitating panic/anxiety.  My weight is fine, I'm 3 months off the ciggies, I don't drink alcohol or caffeine, ( I'm a migraine sufferer) .  There seem to be so many things targeted at us, I don't know where to start!

Bea66 - do keep in mind that herbs and many alternative remedies are still drugs so should be used with professional advice supervision. Most oestrogen in HRTs these days, are produced from natural sources, so are deemed bio identical.  It is unusual to be sensitive to oestrogen but sensitivity may depend on how it is delivered - many find transdermal HRT works better and brings fewer problems.  It is quite common to be sensitive to progesterones, so if you still have a uterus (therefore have to use progesterone) this can be a sticking point if you choose to try HRT at some stage   
You say you went down the ‘hey' route - excuse my ignorance, but what is this? 

There is a section on this site about alternatives so do look at this.  In the peri stage, some women do find that certain herbals help a bit - but sadly there is little evidence to prove whether any alternative remedies work for menopause symptoms.  It is good to look at lifestyle e.g. diet and exercise as this can be helpful.  Have you tried Mindful Meditation?   

I'm very post meno and stopped HRT about 18 months ago -  ( 61 now and had HRT for over 25 years due to premature meno)  I now use high dose Red Clover in the hope it will help my bone density and heart, I also have soya milk and soya yogurts - this increase in isoflavines (phytoestrogens) has reduced my flushes a bit - so it's worth trying dietary changes.  Many find St John's Wort good for low mood and anxiety so this may be worth trying.  Many alternative remedies can bring side effects, so approach with caution if your system is sensitive. 
Let us know how you get on.  DG x

Sorry, autocorrect, I meant HRT route!  I had a hysterectomy about 16 years ago, and kept one ovary, and was on and off Hrt for years, but developed hemiplegic migraine, so had to come off it.  My recent try was Evorel patches, I really hoped I'd be fine with them, but sadly not.  I'm 51and thought I'd finished with all this, as I've been symptom free for a couple of years, so maybe this isn't hormonal, and I need to go back to the doc and get some more tests done.

Hello Bea66 and welcome to the forum.

Your post resonated with me as only today I've decided to go back to the doctor to ask if anything else can be causing my symptoms. I am seven years post meno and despite four years of various HRT's I have continued to have problems, even the flushes have never completely abated!

 I will post on the forum if I learn anything of interest and  look forward to reading your updates.

Take care.



If 'alternatives' were reliable, they would be on the NHS.  However, some ladies find good relief until their hormones kick in! when all benefit is lost. 

How is your diet over-all?  Maybe add herbs to your cooking?  We use a lot of ginger and garlic, fresh fruits and veg..  Exercise may help too though I've got really lazy in the last 2 years so Himself and I have a new Health Plan for us!  Not easy on a dull day so we have a treadmill .....

As oestrogen levels drop the muscles may become lax = aches and pains as well as the body gets dry: skin, vagina, eyes, ears, nostrils  >:(.  maybe make a list in a diary ?


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