Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Ketogenic diet

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Berries are fine, it's about keeping carbs to around 20g per day.

Yes I know of this diet. My husband and myself have been doing the LCHF
( low carb healthy fat) lifestyle for over 2 years. Our carb intake varies between 20-60 g a day. I know of many people who had major success on the ketogenic way of eating, especially to manage their diabetes 2 and epilepsy. I was well on my way to be a type 2 diabetic with eating in accordance to the national triangle's guidelines. By eating low to very low carb (ketogenic) I have normal bloodsugars now, lost weight and able to maintain that with no problem.  The moment I increase my carbs above 60g, my cravings return.

There was an interesting article in New Scientist (2 September) about the effect on the brain of menopause and similarities to Alzheimer's.

Ketogenic diet was suggested (as the brain ages, it gets its energy from fats, rather than glucose and uses up fats in the brain, ie myelin round the nurones).  However, that is at odds with the Mediterranean diet's positive impact on brain health and high fat might not be a good answer for people who are putting weight on round the middle.

Exercise, however, is good for the mitochondria, congnition and all the menopausal symptoms.  Just got to do more exercise ...... ::)

Great to hear all of that thanks!

I've done lots of low carb and intermittent fasting in the past but it's always felt hard to stick to but it's feeling so much easier by keeping carbs ultra low and fat much higher.

I think dietary fat, although calorie dense, is so satiating that it's hard to overeat it otherwise, yes, if calories go too high then they will be the only thing you'll burn so it won't releas stored fat. Although can still make you feel good.

I certainly have more energy to exercise so that's good too!

I have noticed if I do not stay low carb and eat high carbs and wrong carbs (like white bread, cake etc) I struggle with nightsweats and flushes that night or the following day. I get the feeling the insulin release after high carb intake (especially when not used to high carbs any longer)  triggers a hormonal domino effect. That in itself keep me on the straight and narrow!


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