Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Ketogenic diet

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I'm not a huge fan of of anything coconuty but I have bought a coconut oil spray for frying 🍳.

Ooh yes, I use the coconut oil with the taste removed for frying eggs but have read to have a teaspoon in coffee - I'll have in something less coffee tasting though. You can see there's a theme here for me...!

Morning Dangermouse have a look at the low Salicylate Diet it's really interesting,just type that in google for info,I noticed that the symptoms mirror the menopause symptoms.Im enjoying learning about it and low oxalates,good for kidney stones etc.xx

Until last year I worked with children with brain injury many of whom suffered with life threatening epilepsy.  In extreme cases specialists sometimes prescribed the Ketogenic diet and sometimes the results were very positive.  The film "First Do No Harm" (based on a true story) is all about a boy whose parents try the Ketogenic diet to treat his epilepsy as a last resort.  It's a good watch :-) x

Yes I love that film too!

Thanks Daisydot, I will check out that diet, my Mum has a severe salicylate allergy and was admitted to hospital a few years ago as her face swelled up quite badly.


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