Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Ketogenic diet

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Sounds very sensible. I have tried very low carb diets a couple of times and get very irritable. I think, like you say, is a good balance with a few starchy carbs. I can't imagine going through the summer with no new potatoes.

I'll quite happily stand with a scalpel shadyglade and take slithers off my new potatoes ,I don't like skins on potatoes, then when I boil them I put my himalayan pink salt on them and drizzle of olive oil,just to die for.I couldn't deprive myself of them like you say lol x

New potatoes are ok, glycaemic index wise.  It is the fluffy old potatoes, mashed potatoes etc that are more carby.

I keep the skins on as I am lazy and it contributes to the fibre in my diet.  I have discovered that white toast, especially cheese on toast, contributes to my bunging up :-\, so I am now on a 'three prunes after every meal' diet.  :-X

Try a spoon of raw organic coconut oil every night dahliagirl it's much more efficient than the prunes,which I love by the way,it really smooths the way and has so many other health benefits,it's only £2 for the small blue tub from h and b stores so if you like you can then buy the bigger jar.keep it at room temp it's runny and easier to take that way,it solidifies in the fridge,it has no shelf life as it's antibacterial.xx

I'm afraid I have already tried coconut oil.  I was having a breakfast of oats, chia, flax, and raisins with a spoonful of coconut oil, soaked in boiling water (sort of a vegan porridge) and even that didn't make me regular.  The only thing that really works is movicol.    Unfortunately, I think coconut belongs the [very long] list of things that make me sneeze.  :(


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