Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Ketogenic diet

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I try to follow a meditteranean style diet, with some cake thrown in. If I need a weight loss, I follow the principles of the zone diet, which seems to involve the same foods I eat, but limit the portions and the bread type carbs. Aren't the low carb style diets quite harsh in the kidneys though.

I am usually all right with plenty veg and complex carbs and protein.  I try and stick to the low glycaemic index ones.

If I have too much refined stuff, especially without the cushion of slow release carbs, I go sleepy.  This is more obvious the older I get.

I did some checking and it seems the kidney stress is from high levels of protein. I'm being careful not to have too much protein (as it's easy to do when you're replacing carbs) so I'm focusing more on the fats and normal amounts of protein.

My friend is here for the weekend and I did have a 'few' drinks last night (in the interests of carb cycling 8) and was wondering (dreading) how this would affect me. Well I've woken up very perky so it seems to help with the liver as, prior to this since peri, I've had some bad hangovers!

I have also experienced the sleepiness due to refined carbs or food with a high glycaemic index. Not good...

I agree re the kidney stress related to high protein diets. Ketogenic is not high protein, it is adequate protein and very low carbs.

Just to update, I decided the ketogenic diet was not good for me as it is incredibly stressful to the adrenals if your's aren't strong. Cutting sugar so much can also damage the metabolism (theory) so I now include fruits and raw carrot and starches like potatoes and some grains. My gut is a lot happier!

Our bodies are all different though and I know some people do well on keto and cutting carbs.


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