Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Is the answer in the stars?

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My anxiety is through the roof and I'm Capricorn  :-X :-\

I suffer terribly with anxiety...always have, worse in Peri and I'm on your list of those who said they had none or limited!

However, I do agree with if you have it, it becomes worse in peri.

It could have some 'truth' in it ......... I've been thinking around family members and some of it fits  :D

Oh I'm a Leo and have had a tough time but I liked your theory!

People often think that horoscopes are a load of nonsense, I'm still not totally convinced by future forecasting but I do believe that the influence of the moon and sun when we're born does create a certain type of personality.

Saying that, I'm quite laid back normally and am a therapist who helps others with anxiety and mine has been more physical anxiety from the adrenaline from high oestrogen. So it could be true for general anxiety.

On first reading of course first reaction - is that this is a "load of old baloney". However if you look a bit more closely then time of year of birth is bound to affect certain factors. Nothing to do with the stars signs per se ( in fact I don't know the time of year for gentler or not - I don't know when all the star signs are) but the neo-natal environment will interact with genetics and may well have some effect.

There was an observational study here linking date of birth to onset of menopause (haven't read it!).

Also the artificial construct of our education system based on month of birth can have a profound effect on some aspects of our lives. There was a fascinating progamme on Radio 4 (?last week) about the difference between summer borns and autumn borns and not only their long term educational performance but also character too. One example given was sport - so younger children in the year (eg July/August birthdays) would early on be at a disadvantage phsyically and do less well at say many sports than their older peers. This could (the programme argued) have a profound effect on character with the summer borns perceiving (throughout life) that they were not so good at sport, seeing themselves as weaker and there were other implcations - re anxiety ( can;t remember all the details).

It is therefore conceivable that summer borns (on average ) might be less confident early on than their peers, and have to work harder to succeed and become more anxious ( there were various studies). This effect might possibly continue on towards menopause so that eg summer borns were more affected my symptoms ( due to being more anxious etc) than the more confident autumn borns. Not sure if work has been done on this but it would need a huge number of stats (not a few anecdotal observations) because of the many confounding factors involved.

Star sings would only come into it as they related eg to Summer and autmn.

Well I got carried away there - haven't time to look up the research but interesting all the same :)

Hurdity x


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