Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Is the answer in the stars?

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I think whether you are first/second/last born is a factor in confidence and maybe anxiety too. I am a second / last born and have always struggled with nerves / confidence which seems to have got worse during peri-menopause; more pronounced maybe. My DH is the eldest and nothing bothers him, he is a 'why worry' person and never puts anything off. We are same star sign (Libra) but totally different!

Just been reading this thread!
Got to say Hope22.   Tarot is anything but 'completely harmless' in my experience. My advice would be to stay as far away as possible!

...if I told you the whole story Hope...I would be labelled a complete nutter. Suffice to say I opened a door to something I didn't know I had invited in, and it was a pretty awful time in my life.  I would never ever again dabble in the occult.

...'there are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio,  Than are dreamt of in your philosophy..'. 

I am Aries, but on the cusp with Pisces so maybe that is enough to explain why I am having a rough time with all of this! To sound even more wacky I (and my poor, wonderful, long-suffering husband have noticed that these super moons we have been having really flare symptoms up for me. It has happened too often to just be a coincidence!

I messed up trying to repost your post Hurdity I just wanted to say how interesting that thought is - makes total sense to me.  Going to have to read up on that a bit more I think.  Thanks!


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