Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Is the answer in the stars?

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I consider I had a hard time and I'm Leo.  I definitely feel it affects your start in life whereabouts in the school year you are placed though.  For example, I was always one of the youngest in the class and it takes a while to catch up.  I was a late developer physically, (started periods late) and mentally (didn't go to university until I was 33).  Whereas my sister born in September and one of the eldest in the school year was physically mature and top of the class.  There's nothing in it now (between sister and me), which supports the theory time of year dictated the difference.  Sorry for taking this subject off on a tangent - it is fascinating though x

Ju Ju:
I had a friend at college who studied astrology ( not a college subject!) who told me that tabloid and magazine horoscopes were a load of baloney, as it was far more complicated than fitting into one of 12 star signs. Sun signs, birth time of day etc etc. But I do fit characterwise into my star sign, Pisces rather neatly. Whether that has any bearing on my experience of menopause? I tend to feel my early experience of life has made me vunerable to health issues, therefore to menopausal symptoms.

As a teacher of early years, now retired, I very much agree that in this country children born in the summer months can be very much at a disadvantage academically. I remember being saddened by one little boy coming up to me in a year 2 class saying he was no longer stupid. He was a 'summer baby' and had started school just after he was 4. Far too immature to cope with more formal expectations. We set up some of our younger children up to learn how to feel a failure. Testing children at early stages will not bring up standards. Allowing children to be mature enough to reach perceived  standards when THEY are ready, not when the government says they should be ready, will make a difference, as they will be more likely to take on the attitude of believing they can achieve. I planned and succeeded in conceiving my first child so that she was born in October, not so clever for my second child, who was born in April.

I've read before about the summer months child but it's not that way with mine. My cleverest child is a summer baby and was the youngest in her class. My winter child, one of the oldest in his class struggles academically.

I'm October, so one of the oldest, but always the shortest so was always treated as a younger one.  Loved my sport at school and was academically ahead of my years in primary school but not confident, and a late developer but reasonably early menopauser

I'm March (Pisces) and I definitely had a rocky ride at the height of meno - however, my twin sister felt a bit sweaty on a couple of occasions...............and that was it for her.   


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