Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Is the answer in the stars?

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I feel like since I hit Peri I am looking for that golden bullet that will 'put me right' again and explain ' why me' ? I find 50% of my peers have no symptoms whatsoever (so they say) and then 25% some then 25% terrible and struggling (like me).  It was funny but most of those that were struggling with hormones / anxiety were the 'gentler' star signs like Pices, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius. Those who said they had no or limited side effects from Peri were Scorpio / Aries/Leo/Taurus/Sagitarius.  Maybe we we onto something! Or maybe people who have anxiety to begin with just see it heightened.

 :o .............

I didn't suffer anxiety until menopause and I'm a libran so that theory works for me

Strange you say libra is a gentler sign as 'gentle' is how I've always been described as by people x

I'm a Virgo so it works for me too   ???

I'm a Virgo as well. Never experienced anxiety until I hit my early fifties.


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