Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vaginal Atrophy


I have the beginnings of vaginal atrophy - age 59, very dry, vagina shortened, no libido,  sex painful. Idont want to take HRT so have been reading up about natural treatments. I didn't realise how important it is to keep the vagina healthy to try to avoid problems with the bladder too, as you age.
Anyway, I've always done a few kegels but a bit half-heartedly, so I started doing them properly 2 or 3 times a day.
Wow! I have a sex drive again! Apparently the kegels bring more blood flow to the whole area which helps with lubrication & libido. I can't stop frigging myself off! (Well, once a day anyway - don't want to turn into a nympho!)
I've used coconut oil to lubricate my lady flaps & for a bit of extra moisture, but to be honest, I didn't need it internally whereas I was dry as a bone before.
I have inserted a finger no trouble (sorry for graphic description) but haven't tried a penis yet. Keeping it as a possible pleasant surprise for my partner.
I've read that you can make your own effective vaginal moisturiser using coconut oil mixed with a bit of dhea capsule or try vitamin e capsule up there every night so I have more things to try when things inevitably get worse with age.
I feel really happy & wanted to share as I know what an awful problem this can be. Xx


Well done on experimenting ;-).  I have used KY Jelly 4 years, successfully.  However, when VA began to mimic repeated urine infection-type symptoms my GP prescribed localised HRT and that has worked for me.  The trick is to use your idea daily to keep the whole area moist and supple ;-)

Thanks, CLKD
Yes, there may come a time when localised HRT will be better for me too but for now this seems to be working.
Agree that I will need to keep this routine up to maintain it. Who'd have a vagina, eh?

 ;D who would be one  :D


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