Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone tried Reiki ?

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Interested to see if anyone has tried it, especially for anxiety. I know there is no scientific basis for it other than it being ' time out' and relaxing.... maybe a massage would have the same effect!, but there is someone if town just opened up & I am up for anything that might help, placebo or not!

Nowt wrong with the placebo effect!  I don't go because I don't want to give my personal details to anyone else - how a hands off therapy can work beats me  ::).  If you have to pay for it  :-\

Yes I had Reiki for years. Just stopped because the therapist moved. I found it very relaxing.


I'm really not into new age stuff but from my mbdfulness i have moved into meditation and the person who runs it does reiki, she did some on my ears and i have to admit the eczema hasn't been as bad.
As ckld says there's nothing wrong with placebos

I think it is doing it a bit of a disservice calling it a placebo. It is an alternative treatment done by trained and skilled practicioners.



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