Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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I read somewhere that according to statistics, New Zealand produced 1700 tonnes of Manuka honey in 2014, however more than 10,000 tonnes of honey were sold around the world labelled as Manuka honey!

Buyer Beware  ::)


We have hives on site at my work for research purposes, the honey is sold to staff for charity. I have bought jars for some friends, who have told me they think it is better than manuka honey. We have always been told that if you are taking it for health reasons, you are better to buy local honey.

That's what we were told and certainly when I used locally grown honey for my allergies they cleared up.  Honey from 5/6 miles away did owt  ::)

Vieja Bruja:
I've just bought a jar of locally produced honey and the taste, compared to the mass produced stuff, is amazing.  I'm hoping it will help cure my night-time blocked sinuses. 


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