Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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There's a thought that 'Manuka' honey is better than other honeys and there is a Link on another thread.

However, there's also a thought that honey should not be imported from other countries due to the real possibility of transferring disease between there and here.  But as honey is a healer, I don't really understand where that idea arises and haven't talked to our 'bee lady' for a while to follow up my thoughts. Note to self: make a list of questions - I am thinking of having bees in our garden  ;)

As a child a spoonful of honey was given when ever we were off colour as well as being used on wounds.  That is UK honey because there wasn't any imported until more recent years.  It seals wounds to stop air getting there which in turn, stops any 'bugs' infiltrating the area. This, as well as leeches, are being re-considered as healing properties in Hospitals.

Bit of a meander this ..........

🙋🏼 I will join in .....slightly off line.....

This honey is being trialled on burns victims with very good / promising results.

Medical grade manuka is used for animals sores etc , and some hospital cases.

My understanding of the difference between manuka and normal honey is ?

" manuka has known to have a much higher concentration of a natural antibacterial compound called methylglyoxal ( MGO).
It is very heat stable."

Re importing daughter lives in NZ , and visits is twice a year the rigmarole she has to go through to return to NZ from the UK is huge , re importing germs etc from here.

Raw honey UK is better than the heat treated , mixed runny stuff I believe .

I have a teaspoon of local honey everyday from my local bee keeper , it's from mainly rape seed where we live.

Quite a few ladies from a certain forum , put honey up there vaginas every two days for VA and swear by it , also a midwife years ago ( this is via someone else ) used to recommend honey up there also when using the cap.

All I no is , my external bits like it. 🙃

I couldnt take honey  :sick02:

Tnx for your input.

I learned today that one can keep bees without interfering with the honey making process ;-).  I love runny honey.  Several years ago I began eating it in about Feb., for 2-3 years through the Summer, local to me - it helped my rhinitis problems.  When I ate honey 'local' but made 5 miles away, it didn't work.

I've gone off it for about 18 months  :-\.  Lots in the pantry but can't be bothered  ::)

I love honey.  Would love to have bees and a beautiful hive in the garden.  Only one problem, [/u][/b] ME.  I'm allergic to both bee and wasp stings.  Found that one the hard way I'm afraid and it was a close run thing between the adrenalin and anaphalatic shock.  So sad.


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