Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

St John's Wort

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Can anyone tell me they're thoughts on St John's Wort if it has helped anyone or they're symptoms?? Thanx
Currently having sleepless nights anxiety & hot flushes 😐 xx

I took one tablet and it made me feel ill, heart racing and just weird

All the doctors I have spoken too say stay off all herbal things as they can mess with your liver function and have just as bad anxiety side effects (doesn't everything?!). I took a mixed herbal / vitamin pill for 3 months then had slightly weird blood results for liver function so it has scared me off anything herbal. It is SO hard to know what to much conflicting info. I am appalled that the NHS has no coherent strategy with people who come in with our hormonal / (peri) menopause issues.  I have seen 5 doctors with my menstrual / anxiety / insomnia problems and they all have said slightly different things (from just giving me print outs on self help and on-line courses to the other end offering me valium, SSRIs, HRT / betablockers with no blood test checks. No coherant, patient led approach. The fact we go in to see them in such an emotional state dosn't help as I feel fobbed off and confused most of the time...and a nuisance. Tons of empathy going your way :) :'(


Bloody hell(sorry) I'm appalled 2 by the lack of help with our condition, I'm just starting out with this & feel overwhelmed with emotion...have suffered from depression when I was younger & it was horrendous....i feel helpless & just want these feelings of anxiety to go...can anyone recommend anything at all? Thankyou much love xx❤

Well as you know from my post I react bad to SJW, I have arthritis in my back and dr has put me on amitriptyline, an antidepressant which used in low doses is meant to help nerve pain, I'm only 2 weeks in but I did fess up to her about my low mood and anxiety and she said start on 10mg and if I feel I need more go to 20mg, I'm tolerating the 10mg really well


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