Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Hair loss, muscle weakness, tingling, cramps, rash

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Annie I agree! I got my dad to start them when he came away with us a few weeks ago. Very quickly we all noticed a difference in his mood, concentration and energy. When he got home he stopped ( he was worried that it would interfere with all of his medicines! ) and mum noticed a deterioration almost immediately!
I dont believe it was a coincidence. I've asked him to mention to his neuro consultant this week ::)

My animals diet is more scientifically controlled and nutritionally complete than most peoples  :D

Despite this they also get offered a supplement. Its really interesting to see how much they make use of it. I have my soil tested annually and  either add what is lacking into the soil or make sure my animals get whats missing in a supplement.

I think that you are right everyones journey is different but if you have found something that works for you stick with it DaisyB!

Well I just remembered I started taking a Guinness whilst away earlier this month - as I've gone off wine last few months. Not that I would encourage any one to drink alcohol  ;D  but you know it has a high iron content - so maybe the rash disappearing is linked too the Guinness??  ::) ;)  Who knows .....

Well its as good a reason as any. You keep swigging your "medicinal" beverage.

Interesting that you have gone off the wine though, I find it gives me the most terrible headaches and makes me feel dreadful even if I water it down. Champagne and prosecco is even worse sadly.

Thank goodness I can still enjoy a "medicinal" gin ::)


--- Quote from: sparkle on July 31, 2017, 12:32:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: Annie0710 on July 30, 2017, 05:19:35 PM ---I think over 50s should be periodically checked for but b12 deficiency, absorption is compromised the older we get.  Many patients presenting with confusion etc should be trialled on b12

--- End quote ---
Totally agree.  Unfortunately the 'normal' range is huge so you can be classed as ok when you're near the bottom of the scale, crazy!


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Yes I've fallen victim to that, mine was below our range at 197 and they told me it's fine x


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