Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Hair loss, muscle weakness, tingling, cramps, rash

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Since I have experienced all of the above I am still searching for answers and solutions.  From previous posts some of you will know I have had quite severe health anxiety - which has often been blamed as the cause. I am heading for an MRI tomorrow to rule out slipped disc in my neck as neuro consultant felt there was no underlying neurological problems. Good news so far.
What I have noticed though is a marked improvement in the anxiety with the increase in estrogel. I have also noticed marked improvement with muscle numbness cramps tingling coordination. Hair loss is now minimal also.

I've started supplements (on advice from Claire Snowdon Darling) as well as carefully watching my daily intake of balanced meals to include 'good fats' - now the rash has started to disappear! So I googled and found this fact sheet and thought I'd share incase it may be of benefit to someone else. I am taking magnesium and B complex 3 times a day and a supplement called nutri female -
Hope the link works!

DaisyB xx
Sent from my iPhone

In case of potassium deficiency I can highly recommend coconut water (I think this source is the safest with the highest potassium content) brand is Vita Coco.   If you don't like the taste either mix with fresh orange juice or try the chocolate flavour (lush!!!!)


The link works DaisyB and thanks for sharing.

Many people view supplements as unnecessary as they feel that they should receive all that they need from their diet.

I certainly find them beneficial along with a healthy eating plan.

Great to hear that you have started to get to the bottom of your symptoms and are starting to feel better.


Thanks Annie and Sooby - from what I've read diet isn't enough as our soil is depleted of vital nutrients etc and in my case I've IBS so there's a school of thought now suggesting that absorption in the stomach is impaired.

I have noticed such a difference - it's working for me - although I think everyone's 'recipe' for journeying through meno should and will be unique to them.

 I put coconut water in my morning smoothie Annie  :)

When my dad was very ill last month and in high dependency - then neuro ward - a lady was admitted who could barely walk - all sorts of symptoms but her family said she couldn't remember anything her memory had deteriorated so quickly. They discovered soon after she had severe Vit B deficiency! I'm not sure what the underlying reason was but the poor woman was in a bad way.
Glad the link worked.  :)

DaisyB xx

I think over 50s should be periodically checked for but b12 deficiency, absorption is compromised the older we get.  Many patients presenting with confusion etc should be trialled on b12


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