Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

any one taking flaxseed ?

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It can take a while for the gut to process anything new passing by ;-).

The bread begins with a 'B' I think, ? Bergen? ....... tasted OK to me!

I have just ordered sage tablets as I read that they can help sore boobs & low mood !
I am taking so many tablets I must be rattling LOL !
I also take evening primrose oil which is supposed to help sore boobs so i might stop taking that when the sage arrives.
The only one that I know makes a difference to me is the magnesium, I sleep so much better taking this and when I do wake up (usually for bathroom) I can get to sleep again.
Am ever the optimist that one day I will feel normal again : (

Just caught up with this thread.  I make flaxseed 'bread' (linseed) and it's fab with Philly cheese! I also like it with marmite...but I'm a weirdo  ;D

CLKD - I buy golden linseeds from Asda and crush them in my grinder to a powder. I used to buy flaxseed from Costco but it goes rancid really really quickly after the pack is opened, even if kept in was a bit of a waste of money.  Now I just grind what I need.

I LOVE Marmite but with flax seed or is that with Philly cheese  ;D

I used to buy 'bergen' bread but it didn't keep.  Now I eat a good quality muesli (Lizi's) with a dash of milk for breakfast.

I was taking Flax seed oil capsules for about 3 months but they didn't do anything for my symptoms but I've read reviews saying how it has helped women going through the menopause.............just didn't work for me.


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